Here is the listing!

and the link!
Believe me, he'll remove the link soon. Just don't let him take your money by doing the transaction outside of ebay. Infact, don't try to doing biz with this guy. This guy never completed their transaction on ebay. It's crystal clear that he is a conman. Don't give him easy 'duit raya'.
Beware guys!

and the link!
Believe me, he'll remove the link soon. Just don't let him take your money by doing the transaction outside of ebay. Infact, don't try to doing biz with this guy. This guy never completed their transaction on ebay. It's crystal clear that he is a conman. Don't give him easy 'duit raya'.
Beware guys!
Thanks Wei Jun Chai for this info.
I was a victim too, but i took it as an expensive lesson.
It feels like there's nothing much we can do about it since Malaysian has zero enforcement.
Anyway, for this ebay listing, i suggest we just spam the bid so avoid other ppl falling victim to his scam.
I found out that his current (and obviously fake) email/phone is: 3213
Lets just call that number and say "FUCK YOU".
halamak,aku just cket je lagik nak kene tipu ngan die..aku ngn member aku dah nak beli.. nak beli 5 unit plak tuh.betol die ni penipu ak,pandai doe die cakap skrg die pakai cimb:14190073132520 dan IC yang die pakai sekarang 780816-12-5907. Die kate die org kastam,Check acount die betol ke tak kastam.. dan yang paling penting, AKU MASIH TGH KONTEK NGAN DIE LAGI BUAT SAAT NI.ape bende korang suggest nak wat ngan si celake ni?
IPHONE 3GS 16G UNLOCKED FOR SALE by raizan74 who's phone is 0199990707.
I was a victim of recently and wont let it happen to you guys!
This another guy raizan74 puts up his ad on ebay recently, but as i contacted him, he immediately says the stock is out and only can get the phone if i bank him RM500 upfront. I kept investigating and realized that this is a scam! he claim to sell iphone factory unlocked from his friend who works in MAC APple. But bear in my peeps, APpple US does NOT sell factory uncloked iphones. It's locked to At&T or other services.
So DONT deal with this guy by all means. This is another modus operandi that is being used by the scammers.
I will put all my will to fight these scammers. My RM1.7k i lost is not gone for nothing!
becareful now.
aku da kena tipu ngn mamat khairul azmizam nih..RM6600 tuhh..
baru2 nih die guna email tp aku x dpt trace IP address die coz die hide IP die..polis pulak srh bg IP address kat die untuk siasat...alamaakk, terbalik pulak.
now he still active use id captkhairul, tp change name to En Hakim..
tuan nye blog, aku dapat info pasal Khairul Azmizam Ahmad Natal, xleh post sini..sape2 email aku
salam sume..aku mmg bertambah hangin sbb arini br jumpa blog ni.nape la xjumpe awal2 lg..thanks to tuan empunya blog.bkn ape, duit aku dah lesap rm2800 baru seminggu lepas..skang aku nak share pengalaman aku ngan anjing sekor ni.aku surf ebay n jumpa la iphone 3gs 32 gb dgn harga 1500,anjing ni guna id dlm ebay 'jaguhlautlama'. so aku pun decide nak beli sebijik, konon nak buat bisnes,sbb aku pun dah guna iphone.conversation dlm telefon ngan anjing ni punya la bagus,sembang mcm..smpai aku yg mula2 nak beli sebijik jd nak angkat 2 bijik.siap bg diskaun lg!pas bank in duit dia dah xangkat hp aku tau la mmg anjing ni dah menipu.aku mmg rasa dia org yang same sejak 2 tahun dulu anjing ni dah buat kerja ni.gila ke ape dah 2 tahun xkan xdpt tangkap lg?lg la aku bertambah heran camane anjing ni leh suka2 tukar no akaun CIMB n IC no.
korang bayangkan bape byk dia dah sebat duit org??mmg anjing la mamat nih.ayat yg dia mail kat aku sama je ngan org lain dapat, sebijik! diulangi, sebijik!! dia copy n paste je ayat yg sama tiap2 tahun. aku nak buat polis report gak tp mmg pk xleh dapat duit aku balik so just nak pesan kat korang ni adalah details terbaru ttg anjing ni.
Nama : ishak bin mohamad zaki
CIMB acc : 1416-0073619-526
IC no : 760923-06-5075.
kepada sume, INGAT ni adalah detail terbaru anjing ni.sebelum ni aku dah terbaca mcm2 nama anjing ni guna tp ni yg terbaru.
he is back again, he change his name to sharkonthunder pls check it in ebay... hope he will get caught soon!!!
i also kena Rm7000 last month :(
is now on ebay again,not more using jaguhlautlama but use the other name : sharkonthunder
give u the link
his new mobile number is 012-694 8736
ya betul... sekarang ni dia guna nama Amran pulak... nick dia di eBay masih guna "sharkonthunder"
Mungkin masih belum dapat mangsa...
Biawak ini memang pandai tukar nama dan akaun di CIMB bank...
Jadi, berhati-hatilah dengan biawak ni...
salam...sekarang ni mamat bodoh no pakai nama mustapa bin muchsin plak.. still lagi pakai email 'sharkonthunder' lagi...
mcm mana dia boleh terus beroperasi....tolonglah cari mamat ni...humbang dia ke dalam penjara.
i just lost RM1100 on handphone recently!!! damn that fucking conman now is using MUSTAPA BIN MUCHSIN!! so MUCH-SIN he has done!! Ive written on ebay forum and f*cking ebay has removed my posting saying my posting is inappropriate and not permitted to publish member's contact information WTF!! at least my posting has saved 2 people from being coned! Is ebay trying to protect this stupid conman or maybe this man working for ebay thats the reason why he has never been caught???
his latest cimb acc num: 1473-0007854-528
Full name: mustapa bin muchsin
ic num: 780428-12-5737
This fraudster is still active in ebay selling LCD TV, iphone, blackberry, and sony vaio!
Beware people out there!! do not trust ebay too!! i found is much more secure and at least lelong will publish the complete information of conmen even joybidder to public!! good job!
lets work together to get this greedy conman caught red handed! BTW he's now under police investigation!
BTW his latest address is:
27 Batu 2 1/2 Jalan Tawau Lama, 91000 Sabah.
P.S: not sure whether its real or not, got it from telco centre..main sabah la plak ye wahai syaitan!
hello there. im 1 of the mangsa too. u all trust me dont blame the name that he used to con people. because that is definetly not his name and acc no. he used other people name and acc no so thats why police take sooooo long to catch the bastard..thats what i think after seaching so many infos bout thit bastard..and MAYBE he work with CIMB or he got orang dalam in CIMB.but what i believed is income sience 2005 till now is more than rm200k!Fark yu conman!
This guy is totally a DOGSHITTT!! I lost RM3k for nothing. btw, why does this dog survive on ebay? and believe me, i already made a police report and he was using Mustapa bin muchsin as his ID an he even give me a fake IC. anything we can do about this shit?
gila2.. dengar experienced korang.. damn son punya orang.. aku doakan duit yang dia dapat tu, akan buat dia panas dalam kubur kelak... tp jahat pula aku ni ckp macam tu.. semoga dia insaf dan bg duit korang balik tu je..
apa pun.. lepas dengar kes ni.. aku xkan beli laptop atau iphone dalam internet... tu je.. bahaya,,.
beware the latest fraud d90 d300s and d5000, lucky i checked his ic before trade with this stupid guy.. sweat.gif
see the link
mustpa bin muchsin
a/c no: 1473-0007854-528
ic no-780428-12-5737
becareful..friend... mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif
and hp no is 012-9348993 him during midnight ya
P/S: taken from
alert guys!!
I suspect dia muncul lagi dengan nama barunya..beatrixplat4m
Melihat ad dia, saya syak both of them are the same people...
Pls clarify...
sekarang dia guna nama Khairul Azmizam bin Ahmad Natal.
IC 720306-08-6309.
cimb acc no: 1414-0001062-206
phone no:012-934 7465
ebay id:
siyes la..apsal la tak kena tangkap lagi syaitan jahanam ni? korang kenal mana2 bomoh mintak santet kan #%%2#$@ nih.
aku kesian kat abg aku.rugi rm3k gitu je
salam...mintak maaf menegur...mcm mn korang sume bole kna tipu erk? bukan ker dalam ebay tu ada track record urusniaga yg korang nilai kat situ la...yng mamat haramjadah nie...track record dia zero!!! so jgn deal ngan org mcm nie...risiko tingggi...kecuali kalo dia berani wat COD....itu plg selamat.....kalo dia x nk wat COD...x yah beli...jgn salahkan ebay...korang yg dungu sbnrnya...
hah..sedap cakap org dungu ye..ko tak kena lagi. nak kena tipu bukan internet scam je. ingat dah pandai ebay ye?bnd lain tunggu la ko lak yg kena.
track record mmg zero kalo org sume deal luar ebay. org ingat dia nih sgt real. in a weak moment, mmg temptation dpt brg murah buat org tak research awal2.high risk n dah dpt pengajaran. takde salahkan ebay pun
got this reply from not buying...really not genuine..
Saya ingin mulakan dengan sedikit info tentang barangan ini. Sebenarnya barangan ini ialah barang underwater (Ditahan Kastam). Sebab itulah barang ini murah. Saya mempunyai beberapa unit untuk dijual secepat mungkin, jadi, anda tidak perlu Bid. Anda boleh beli terus daripada saya. Oleh sebab stok saya terhad, jadi, siapa cepat dia dapat. Siapa membuat pembayaran dahulu, dia dapat.
Mengenai Warranty, Warranty penuh selama 1 Tahun akan diberikan oleh Principal di Hong Kong. Ini adalah kerana barang ini dibawa masuk dari Hong Kong. Tetapai bukan itu sahaja, saya juga memberi Warranty Penuh dari pihak saya selama 3 bulan. Yang mana, kalau ada apa apa masalah dalam masa 3 bulan, inform saya secepat mungkin, saya akan menggantikan dengan unit yang baru. Barang ini 100% Baru dan Original, bukan imitation, recond atau second hand. Jika selepas pembelian tidak memuaskan hati anda, saya akan full refund.
Selain daripada itu, COD atau COC hanya boleh dibuat oleh pembeli pembeli saya yang terdahulu (2nd / 3rd deal boleh COD), jika ini adalah deal kita yang pertama, pembayaran hanya boleh dibuat melalui Bank transfer dan saya akan courier pada encik/cik melalui Poslaju. Selepas pembayaran dibuat encik/cik perlu SMS saya nama dan alamat penuh atas tujuan penghantaran. Saya akan courier pada encik/cik pada hari yang sama pembayaran dibuat melalui Poslaju. Kos penghantaran akan dibayar oleh pihak saya. Selepas penghantaran selesai saya akan inform encik tracking no barang yang dihantar. Encik/Cik akan terima keesokkan harinya. Saya pasti encik/cik akan tertanya bagaimana jika pembayaran sudah dibuat dan barang tidak sampai? Sila contact saya dan saya akan jelaskan bagaimana deal ini boleh secure untuk kedua dua pihak.
Untuk berurusan atau pertanyaan lanjut tentang keselamatan urusniaga ini, boleh call atau sms saya di 012-935 0269 Encik Hakim.
Terima Kasih
Kepada hakim,
Kenapa anda tidak sanggup buat COD walaupun jualan pertama. I rase tiada masalah snagat walaupun barang tu sdkit under....
Hanye satu sebab yg I blh syaki adalah langsung you is CONMAN.
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